a - z指数

Methods and Materials

Development of the basic skills and techniques of playing and teaching brass instruments.

Development of basic skills and techniques of playing and teaching percussion instruments.

Development of the basic skills and techniques of playing and teaching orchestral string instruments.

Development of the basic skills and techniques of vocal procedures.

Development of the basic skills and techniques of playing and teaching woodwind instruments.

Instrumental Methods for Non-instrumental Majors
Development of functional ability in wind, string, brass and percussion instruments. Instrumental music majors may not receive credit for this course.

声音的方法 for Non-Vocal Majors
Development of functional vocal methods for instrumental majors. Vocal music majors may not receive credit for this course.

Elements of Conducting
Baton technique and the elements of interpretation in conducting choral and instrumental groups.

Supervised classroom/rehearsal observation and teaching in various music activities. Enrollment by faculty selection. May be repeated, but only two hours may count as an elective toward an undergraduate degree.

A refinement and augmentation of the choral foundation provided in Elements of Conducting.

Instrumental Conducting
A refinement and augmentation of the foundation provided in Elements of Conducting, with specific attention to instrumental (orchestra and band) conducting.

Methods in Elementary School 音乐
A study of methods and materials for music in the elementary school. 音乐 education majors or minors only.

Methods in Secondary School Instrumental 音乐
Instrumental problems peculiar to the middle and senior high school. Analysis of materials and methods including instructional observation. Prerequisite: Passing of piano proficiency examination and admission to teacher education. Meets requirements for special secondary methods in education sequence.

Methods in Secondary School Vocal 音乐
Vocal problems peculiar to the middle and senior high school. Analysis of materials and methods including instructional observation. 仅限音乐专业的学生. Prerequisite: Passing of piano proficiency examination and admission to teacher education. Meets requirements for special secondary methods in education sequence.

Junior High 音乐 Education: Special 前ics
A study of selected methods/materials for music instruction in the middle or middle school with particular attention being given to recent developments and current issues.

Senior High 音乐 Education: Special 前ics
A study of selected methods/materials for music instruction in the senior high school with particular attention being given to recent developments and current issues.

Advanced study of basic concepts of singing. Historical survey from bel canto to contemporary schools.

Advanced Instrumental Conducting
An application of conducting practices in interpretation, style and performance through the study of representative works for concert band, wind ensemble and orchestra.

Advanced 合唱指挥
Study of representative large works through conducting practices in interpretation, style and performance.

Marching Band Technique
Fundamentals of drill, parade routine, charting and scoring the football show.

Secondary School General 音乐 Methods
A study of the materials and methods employed in middle school and high school general music.

Choral Literature for Secondary Schools
A survey of choral literature including the music of all periods, both sacred and secular, and a study of the style and interpretation of music from each period.

Instrumental Literature for Secondary Schools
A survey of domestic and foreign publishers of instrumental music for educational purposes and a study of specific instrumental music for solo and ensemble performance.

Problems in Instrumental 音乐
A study of musical and administrative problems peculiar to instrumental teaching.

Problems in Vocal 音乐
Current practices in administration and organization of school vocal programs.